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Drawing of an intern working on a fun data project

LIA / Pratikplats

Build Measure Learn accepts applications for LIA / Praktikplats.​


Applicants should have studied either data analytics/science or engineering or alternatively software product development.​


LIA at Build Measure Learn

Build Measure Learn is a consultant company and unless otherwise specified the LIA would revolve around an in-house project where the student works largely independently or with another LIA student. The projects are largely green field (new projects) where you would be able to take an idea and build it from the ground-up, which means that the applicant should be capable and enjoy working independently to bring a concept to life. The student should already come with many of the skills required and be capable of finding solutions and ways-forward.


How it works

Week 1: We will on-board you and make sure that you are setup to work on the project. We will check-in at least once per day during the first week to make sure that you get off to a good start.


Week 2+:  We will setup a weekly  sync/check-in meeting where we will go through the work, provide feedback, answers questions and provide clarification. We will also discuss the project scope and if any changes should be made to scope based on how the project is evolving and what is being learned.


On-going basis: Offline communication via Slack will be the means to take any ad-hoc questions or discussion.


Interested or have questions?

Contact us at:


LIA Project Ideas

What Tech Stacks do companies in Sweden use?

This is a data collection project that involves building a database that can be used for data analysis as well as marketing.


The data should be collected from various websites with job ads. Scraping techniques should be used and each job ad should attempted to be linked/matched with a Swedish organization number. The collection should be automated, daily checking for new ads.


From the collected data, data visualisations and exploratory analysis should be made. What insights can you find? What kinds of differences are there among industries? Among geographic region?

What technologies are Swedish websites built with?

Similar to the project above, except this explores the websites of Swedish companies and which tech is being used for specifically the websites. The data should be collected (scraped) from company websites and not job sites.


This project has 2 parts: (1) that a list of websites for Swedish companies is compiled and (2) that each website is scraped and relevant data is persisted to a database. The scraping should be setup to run on a monthly basis, so that updates are captured for each company.


From the collected data, data visualisations and exploratory analysis should be made. What insights can you find?


Ideally a site like this could be built from the data collected:​​

Digital Product from concept to code to user adoption

Take an idea for a digital product from concept to working deployed code and user adoption.​


In this project you will get the idea to test out a startup idea for an identified problem. You will explore the problem, design and build out the idea, test it on users, collected feedback and iterate.


This project requires that you or your team has all of the competencies required to deliver.


The specific idea would be discussed and decided on with the student.


Success of this project is not determined by a product being successful but rather the learning that you in the process.



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